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Prezentări online în timpul evenimentului dSummer@ULBS D-School

***English text below***

În data de 26 iulie, elevi și studenți vor participa on-site la prima ediție a școlii de vară dSummer@ULBS D-School.

Parteneri ai Școlii de Design Thinking sau reprezentanți din instituții membre ale Alianței Globale de Design Thinking (GDTA) vor susține scurte prezentări online, deschise studenților și cadrelor didactice din ULBS (https://tinyurl.com/7t2hvhxz).

Persoanele interesate pot urmări prezentările după următorul program:

Luni 26 iulie – 10:30

Prof. Uli Weinberg, HPI D-School – Design Thinking and GDTA

Luni 26 iulie – ora 15:00

Kai Bruns, University of Applied Science Emden / Leer – Empathy

Marți 27 iulie – ora  9:30

Hoda Mostafa, American University of Cairo – Mindset during Observe Phase

Miercuri 28 iulie – ora 10:00

Dragoș Gavrilescu, Design Thinking Society, Bucharest – Best practices during Synthesis

Miercuri 28 iulie – ora 15:00

Natalie Mathieson, Western University Canada – Mindset for Ideation

Joi 29 iulie – ora 10:00

Maria Stomma, Design Thinking Center Moscow – Best practices during Prototyping

Joi 29 iulie – ora 10:00

Darren Meister, Western University Canada – Mindset during Testing


Starting on Monday, the 26th of July, pupils and students will take part at the first edition of dSummer@ULBS D-School – on-site.

Partners of ULBS D-School or Global Design Thinking Alliance (GDTA) members will present short online inputs during the event, open to students and ULBS professors (https://tinyurl.com/7t2hvhxz).

The inputs can be followed as follows:

Monday 26th of July 10:30

Prof. Uli Weinberg, HPI D-School – Design Thinking and GDTA

Monday 26th of July 15:00

Kai Bruns, University of Applied Science Emden / Leer – Empathy

Tuesday 27th of July 9:30

Hoda Mostafa, American University of Cairo – Mindset during Observe Phase

Wednesday 28th of July 10:00

Dragoș Gavrilescu, Design Thinking Society, Bucharest – Best practices during Synthesis

Wednesday 28th of July 15:00

Natalie Mathieson, Western University Canada – Mindset for Ideation

Thursday 29th of July 10:00

Maria Stomma, Design Thinking Center Moscow – Best practices during Prototyping

Thursday 29th of July 15:00

Darren Meister, Western University Canada – Mindset during Testing

Prezentări online în timpul evenimentului dSummer@ULBS D-School






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ULBS D-School

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