Prezentări online în timpul evenimentului dSummer@ULBS D-School
***English text below***
În data de 26 iulie, elevi și studenți vor participa on-site la prima ediție a școlii de vară dSummer@ULBS D-School.
Parteneri ai Școlii de Design Thinking sau reprezentanți din instituții membre ale Alianței Globale de Design Thinking (GDTA) vor susține scurte prezentări online, deschise studenților și cadrelor didactice din ULBS (
Persoanele interesate pot urmări prezentările după următorul program:
Luni 26 iulie – 10:30
Prof. Uli Weinberg, HPI D-School – Design Thinking and GDTA
Luni 26 iulie – ora 15:00
Kai Bruns, University of Applied Science Emden / Leer – Empathy
Marți 27 iulie – ora 9:30
Hoda Mostafa, American University of Cairo – Mindset during Observe Phase
Miercuri 28 iulie – ora 10:00
Dragoș Gavrilescu, Design Thinking Society, Bucharest – Best practices during Synthesis
Miercuri 28 iulie – ora 15:00
Natalie Mathieson, Western University Canada – Mindset for Ideation
Joi 29 iulie – ora 10:00
Maria Stomma, Design Thinking Center Moscow – Best practices during Prototyping
Joi 29 iulie – ora 10:00
Darren Meister, Western University Canada – Mindset during Testing
Starting on Monday, the 26th of July, pupils and students will take part at the first edition of dSummer@ULBS D-School – on-site.
Partners of ULBS D-School or Global Design Thinking Alliance (GDTA) members will present short online inputs during the event, open to students and ULBS professors (
The inputs can be followed as follows:
Monday 26th of July 10:30
Prof. Uli Weinberg, HPI D-School – Design Thinking and GDTA
Monday 26th of July 15:00
Kai Bruns, University of Applied Science Emden / Leer – Empathy
Tuesday 27th of July 9:30
Hoda Mostafa, American University of Cairo – Mindset during Observe Phase
Wednesday 28th of July 10:00
Dragoș Gavrilescu, Design Thinking Society, Bucharest – Best practices during Synthesis
Wednesday 28th of July 15:00
Natalie Mathieson, Western University Canada – Mindset for Ideation
Thursday 29th of July 10:00
Maria Stomma, Design Thinking Center Moscow – Best practices during Prototyping
Thursday 29th of July 15:00
Darren Meister, Western University Canada – Mindset during Testing